
Like all associations, the D.O.A.V  has some rules.

Here they are:



To be allowed in the dog run, all owner must be a member in good tenure and have paid in full his annual fees. Theses fees are valid from January 1st to December 31st . It is therefore payable in January of every year. A member who decides he/she does not want to renew it’s membership MUST OBLIGATORILY IMMEDIATELY remit the key to a member of the administration council.



Your dog must be registered at the city. It’s license being proof of registration.


Female dog in heat are not allowed in the dog run.


Attack, dangerous, protection or aggressive dogs are not allowed in the park.


Dogs are the only animals allowed in the dog run.


Your are responsible to watch your dog, pick up it’s excrements and repair damages (i.e. your dog dug up an area, you fill it back up).


Dog are taken off or put on leash in area for this purpose , that is between the double doors.


 It is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol within the dog run limits. As well, no food is tolerated within those limits (neither for the dog or it’s owner)


You must make sure that both doors are locked if your are the last person to leave the park. Why make it easy for the vandals of thieves?? The same is applicable for our precious fresh water. Please ensure that the faucet is closed before leaving.


 For their security, children under 12 years old are welcome only if accompanied by their parents.


The agility games have been designed EXCLUSIVELY  for dogs. The structures are not meant to support the weight of a person , not even a child.



The maintenance of the park is the responsibility of all members. Here are the tasks entailed: Mow the lawn, water the plants, shovel the snow hindering the doors, take out the garbage (Monday and Thursday night) pick up trash lying about the park ( cigarette butts, papers, excrements left behind by negligent masters) In other words, we do as we would in our own back yard.


Incivility and derogation to regulations are not tolerated under any circumstance. Recalcitrant members will simply be expulsed immediately.

If your advice, recommendations or suggestions are accompanied by solutions and concrete implication on your part, they will be favourably received. Your implication is essential. Members of the administration council, are volunteers as well. They cannot and will not do everything alone.

 The park is at our image.

Keep it clean and pass the word!!